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Doctoral dissertations supervised

(Most dissertations are available here)

  1. Caitlin Meyer, (2018) Rule and order. Acquiring ordinals in Dutch and English. (co-supervision with Fred Weerman (UvA) and Sjef Barbiers (Leiden)).

  2. Marco Bril, (2018) Persistent grammatical writing errors of L1 and L2 learners of French: analysis and remedy. (co-supervision with Martine Coene (VU) and Petra Sleeman (UvA)).
                Marco Bril currently is an assistant professor at Utrecht University.


  3. Jolien Scholten, (2018) The ins and outs of external possession: A micro-comparative perspective. (co-supervision with Marjo van Koppen (UU), Norbert Corver (UU), and Erik Schoorlemmer (TU Delft))
                Jolien Scholten is a research data management specialist at the VU University Library

  4. Lena Karvovskaya, (2018) The typology and formal semantics of adnominal possession. (co-supervision with Malte Zimmermann (U Potsdam), and Erik Schoorlemmer (TU Delft))

  5. Arthur Crucq, (2018) Abstract patterns and representation: the re-cognition of geometric ornament.
    (co-supervision with Caroline van Eck (Cambridge/ Leiden))

                 Arthur Crucq currently is an assistant professor at Leiden University.

  6. Varun deCastro-Arrazola, (2018) Typological tendencies in verse and their cognitive grounding.
    (co-supervision with Marc van Oostendorp (Radboud University Nijmegen))


  7. Martine Bruil, (2014) Clause Typing and Evidentiality in Ecuadorian Siona  
    (co-supervision with Willem Adelaar (Leiden University)

                  Martine Bruil currently is an assistant professor at Leiden University

  8. Mayumi Hosono, (2013) Object shift in the Scandinavian languages: syntax, information structure, and intonation (co-supervision with Vincent van Heuven (Leiden University) and Anders Holmberg, Newcastle University)

  9. Sara Lusini, (2013) Yes-no question marking in Italian dialects. A typological, theoretical, and experimental approach (co-supervision with Vincent van Heuven and Roberta d’Alessandro, Leiden University)
         Sara Lusini is Coordinator for Academic Affairs & Director of Global
        Citizenship Program at Webster University


  10. Tanja Temmerman, (2012) Multidominance, ellipsis, and quantifier scope (co-supervision with Jeroen Van Craenenbroeck, KULeuven)
        Tanja Temmerman is an assistant professor at the Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis (Brussels)

  11. Kaca Souckova (2011) Pluractionality in Hausa (co-supervision with Jenny Doetjes, Leiden University)
        Kaca Souckova works as a teacher in the Philippines.

  12. Camelia Constantinescu (2011) Gradability in the nominal domain (co-supervision with Jenny Doetjes, Leiden University)       
        Camelia Constantinescu is a teacher at the International School in The Hague.

  13. Annemie Verbist (2010) The acquisition of personal pronouns in cochlear-implanted children (co-supervision with Steven Gillis (U. Antwerpen), Martine Coene (VU Amsterdam))
         Annemie Verbist is an exam developer (docimoloog) at the Opleidingsinstituut Federale
        Overheid in Brussels.


  14. Annemiek Hammer (2010) The acquisition of verbal morphology in cochlear-implanted and specific language impaired children (co-supervision with Steven Gillis (U. Antwerpen) and Martine Coene (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam))
         Annemiek Hammer is an Assistant Professor at the Hogeschool Utrecht.

  15. Erik Schoorlemmer (2009) The morphosyntax of the Germanic DP: Agreement, Dominance, and Doubling (co-supervision with Lisa Cheng)
         Erik Schoorlemmer is the program coordinator of the BSc Applied Physics 
         at Delft University of Technology.


  16. Karène Sanchez (2009) Politiques, éducation et identités linguistiques: le collège des Frères des Écoles Chrétiennes de Jérusalem (1922-1939) (co-supervision with dr Marie-Christine Kok Escalle (Utrecht University))     
         Karène Sanchez is an assistant professor at Leiden University.

  17. Stella Gryllia (2009) On the nature of preverbal Focus in Greek. A theoretical and experimental approach (supervision together with Vincent van Heuven, co-supervisor Jenny Doetjes.
         Stella Gryllia is a postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University.

  18. Martin Salzmann (2006) Resumptive prolepsis. A study in indirect A'-dependencies (co-supervision with Lisa Cheng)
         Martin Salzmann is a postdoc researcher at the University of Leipzig

  19. Bart van der Veer (2006) The Italian ‘mobile diphtongs’ A test case for experimental phonetics and phonological theory (co-supervision with Vincent van Heuven (Leiden) and Jeroen van de Weijer).
         Bart van der Veer is a professor at the Hoger Instituut voor Vertalers en Tolken (Antwerp).

  20. Dany Jaspers (2005) Operators in the lexicon. On the negative logic of natural language  (co-supervision with Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (KULeuven)) 
         Dany Jaspers is professor of English at the Hogeschool-Universiteit  Brussel


  21. Mark de Vos (2005) The syntax of verbal pseudo-coordination in English and Afrikaans (co-supervision with Sjef Barbiers (Leiden University))
        Mark de Vos is Lecturer at the Department of English language and linguistics at Rhodes
       University (Grahamstown, South Africa). He is the president of the Linguistics Society
       of Southern Africa.


  22. Marjo van Koppen (2005) One Probe – two Goals. Aspects of agreement in Dutch dialects (cum laude, co-supervision with Sjef Barbiers (Leiden University))
         Marjo van Koppen is full professor 'Variation linguistics of Dutch' at the department Languages,      Literature and Culture and  the department of Dutch language and culture at Utrecht University.

  23. Gretel de Cuyper (2004) La estructura léxica de la resultatividad y su expresión en las lenguas germánicas y románicas (co-supervision with Liliane Tasmowski (Universiteit Antwerpen))
         Gretel de Cuyper is Professor of Spanish linguistics in the Department of Linguistics and
         Romance Studies at the Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium)


  24.  Ineke van der Meulen (2004) Syntactic movement and comprehension difficulties in Broca’s aphasia (co-supervision with Roelien Bastiaanse (UGroningen))
         Ineke van der Meulen is a clinical linguist and a researcher in language pathology
         and language rehabilitation at the Rijndam Rehabilitation Centre in Rotterdam.


  25. Jeroen van Craenenbroeck (2004) Ellipsis in Dutch dialects  (cum laude, co-supervision with Sjef Barbiers (Leiden University))
        Jeroen van Craenenbroeck is a professor of Dutch linguistics at Leuven University (KULeuven)  

  26. Véronique van Gelderen (2003) Scrambling unscrambled 
    (co-supervision with Lisa Cheng, Leiden University)

  27. Marjon Helmantel (2002) Interactions in the Dutch adpositional domain.
    (co-supervision with Hans Bennis (Meertens Instituut))

         Marjon Helmantel is a teacher-educator of German in the University Centre for
         Learning & Teaching of the University of Groningen.


  28. Aniek Ijbema. (2002) Grammaticalization and infinitival complements in Dutch. (co-supervision with Sjef Barbiers (Leiden University))
        Aniek Ijbema is an academic secretary at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the
        Free University of Amsterdam.


  29. Anikó Lipták (2001) On the syntax of Wh- items in Hungarian
    (cum laude, co-supervision with Lisa Cheng (Leiden University))
        Anikó Lipták is an assistant professor at LUCL, Leiden University.

  30. Sérgio Menuzzi (1999) Binding theory and pronominal anaphora in Brazilian Portuguese (co-supervisor Frits Beukema (Leiden University))
        Sérgio Menuzzi is Professor of Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics and Philology
        of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS
    , Porto Alegre RS, Brazil).


  31. João Costa (1998) Word order variation                                              
       João Costa is full professor (professor catedrático) at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa
        and State Secretary for Education in the current Portuguese government.    


  32. Astrid Ferdinand (1996). The development of functional categories.
    (supervision together with Aafke Hulk (University of Amsterdam))


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